Locked’n Lodi
The show will be held down under the Arch, at West Pine and South Sacramento Lodi Ca 95240. Starts at 10am goes till 7pm. Followed by a TRIco x 805 after party at Know Place at 8pm till close, the first 100 people will receive an issue of DicE Magazine.
Coming this spring to Central California’s city of Lodi, is an outdoor invitational motorcycle and van show. We are amazed at the length builders will go to create a working machine as unique as they are. This show will feature running Choppers, FXRs, Dynas, and Vans. Our mission is to connect motorcycle and van builders, enthusiasts, passerbys, local small businesses, vendors and sponsors, and to do that this show will be free for all ages to enter.
*no coolers *no colors